yang PERTAMA lebih baek....
dan selamanye PERTAMA
Friday, August 6, 2010
hipokrit pada diri sendiri..
ni ape pnye tajuk la..tapi tetibe aku nk tulis tajuk cmtu,cm best je..padahal aku sndiri pon xtahu ape maknenye..hehehe..sume org ade perasaan..tapi xsume org suke luahkn perasaan masing2..mengikut kajian yg aku xpnh buat kbykn org lebih suke memendamkn perasaan tersebut termasuk la aku..lebih baek simpan drpd luahkn..btol x?xla myakitkn hati sape2..walaupon dari luaran org nmpak kite snyum n ketawa..tetapi dlmn hanya diri sendiri yg tahu cmne rasenye..konon2 bt2 hepi walaupon xske demi menunjukkn rse suke kite ni..adekah ni namenye hipokrik pada diri sendiri..hehehehe..mcm2 la..tapi cmtu la hakikatnye zaman sekarang..kite terpaksa menipu demi menjage perasaan org..
Thursday, July 29, 2010
alangkah baiknye jikalau masa dpt diundurkn....
Arini ari yang paling kusut bagi aku..bermcm2 masalah aku duk pikir..dh mcm menteri di jabatan perdana menteri lak..setiap manusia mmg ade masalah masing2 xterkecuali bagi aku..hahaha..setiap masalah aku,aku xsuke nak berkongsi dengan org laen..aku suke pendam n mcari jalan penyelesaian sendiri..kadang2 blur gak kepala otak ni..tapi xpela tu sume duagaan daripadaNya,maybe sblm ni aku ade penah membuat kesilapan..aku hanya manusia biasa xlari dari membuat kesalahan..kan besh klu dapat di pusingkn masa..kembali ke alam kanak2,xpyh pikirkn masalah..bermaen sesuka hati..bergelak ketawa..bile dh besar ni byk lak masalah..masalah tu,masalah ni...tetapi aku kene BER hipokrit dengan diri sendiri kunun2 kuat.xde masalah..selalu bg nasihat dan pandangan kpda org laen yg ada mslah pdhal diri sendiri berserabut dengan masalah..sume org nk kene jaga hati,perasaan..last2 perasaan aku sndiri yg xterjage..kui2..ok la..aku nk duk rilex kjap,nk pikir cmne nk bt mesin blh undurkn masa...hahaha...adiossss
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

assalammualaikum..dh lame rse nye aku xberkunjung ke blog aku sndiri..maklum la bz ngan kije,blaja & ehem3..heheheh..tetibe terasa gatal nk manaip lak,pdhal kije bersepah2 lagi atas meja ni..hehehe..kehidupan aku skrg bese je..cume bz ckit je coz 2minggu lepas raya ade majlis yg bermakna bg aku ngan si dia..(yihuu)smpai masa nye aku akan update kn cerita tersebut..sbnarnye byk lagi citer2 yg hndak aku kongsi bersama tetapi cukup la stakat ni dulu...(pdhal xde idea..keh3)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
salam geng2..dh lame rsenye aku xupdated blog ni...sampai bos aku dah sound2 dah..malam ni nasib baek aku ade sedikit masa utk updated my blog...sbnrnye xde ape2 yg aku nk cakapkan..tapi xpela..xlme lagi masuk bulan 7,so start la bulan yg pnh struggle...sem baru dh start,kije smakin byk kat opis..sem ni aku amik 5subjek (byk tu),tapi aku percaya aku dpt bwk sume subjek tu,insyaallah..berbalik kpda kije aku,cm bese la..sebagai seorang kuli sentiasa la bz..klu aku bos dh lme aku duk dlm bilik goyang kaki sambil mkn biskut jagung...aku skrg ni pon tgh duk penin kpla..loan umah x approved lg,projek bisnes aku still terbengkalai lagi...huk2..maybe Allah nk uji aku...so aku sbgai hambanye hanya mampu berdoa shja...adui tetibe ngantuk lak,esok kne masuk opis prepare utk COD 2 plak....aduiii...k la,aku pon nk tido dlu ni...nk mimpi awek aku lak..keh3...krooohh..krroohhh...zzzZZzz..zz
Friday, March 20, 2009
I enjoyed one particularly meaningful synergistic experience as i worked with my associates to create the corporate mission statement for our business.Almost all members of the company went high up into the mountains where,surrounded by the magnificence of nature,we began with a first draft of what some of us considered to be an excellent statement
At first the communications was respectful,careful and predictable.But as we began to talk about the various alternatives,possibilities and opportunities ahead,people became very open and authentic and simply started to think out load.The mission statement agenda gave way to a collective free association,a spontaneous piggybacking of ideas.People were genuinely empathic as well as courageous,and we moved from mutual respect and understanding to creative synergistic communication
evyone could sense it.It was exciting.As it matured,we returned to the task of putting the evolved collective vision into words,each of which contains specific and committed to meaning for each participant.
The synergistic process that led to the cretion of our mission statement engraved it in the hearts and mind of everyone there,and it has served us well as a frame of reference of what we are about,as well as what we are not about.
At first the communications was respectful,careful and predictable.But as we began to talk about the various alternatives,possibilities and opportunities ahead,people became very open and authentic and simply started to think out load.The mission statement agenda gave way to a collective free association,a spontaneous piggybacking of ideas.People were genuinely empathic as well as courageous,and we moved from mutual respect and understanding to creative synergistic communication
evyone could sense it.It was exciting.As it matured,we returned to the task of putting the evolved collective vision into words,each of which contains specific and committed to meaning for each participant.
The synergistic process that led to the cretion of our mission statement engraved it in the hearts and mind of everyone there,and it has served us well as a frame of reference of what we are about,as well as what we are not about.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
terima segala dugaan dgn penuh kesabaran.....
semekom sume kengkawan aku...arini pakcik nk bersyarah ckit..xpyh byr,just bace je n renung2kan..kehidupan ni penuh dengan segala mcm cabaran dan dugaan yang perlu ditempuhi..walau sesukar mane pon cabaran tersebut hadapilah dengan penuh kesabaran..ni adalah satu ujian utk kite sume.maybe ALLAh nk uji sejauh mane tahap kesabaran kite...setiap cabaran tu mungkin ade hikmah disebaliknye,disamping tu jgk cabaran ni la jgk yang mematangkan kite..jangan la cepat berputus asa..bertawakal la dan ditambah dengan sedikit usaha pasti akan berjaya..sebagai org yang berjaya kite tidak perlu risau sebarang bentuk cabaran,kerana keindahan kehidupan ini tidak bermakna jikalau tiada cabaran..cube anda fikir sejenak,jika anda hidup tiada cabaran..ape yg anda rase???rase cm hidup ni tiada ape2 kan..bt benda yg same setiap mase..ambil la cabaran,amik risiko..baru la advanture ckit...jadila manusia yang tabah ckit..baru la leh geng ngan rambo..hehehe..ni byk lagi pakcik nk bgtau,tetapi memandangkan pakcik byk kojo,lenkali je la pakcik smbg ye...pakcik chaw dlu..adioss....
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